For the night!

Sov gott/B

Black & White

Made By: Behare Fetahu

Make up: Behare Fetahu

MAU & Hair: Albana Kurtaj

Styling : Behare Fetahu & Albana kurtaj
Photo: Albana Kurtaj
Photo: Albana Kurtaj

Me & My Beautiful sister Amire Fetahu


Kiss B&W
Rita Ora
Born in a small city called Pristina in Kosovo, Rita Ora’s parents moved to London to escape their war-riddled homeland when she was just two months old. They settled in West London’s subsided housing estates where Rita and her two siblings shared a small flat with their parents. When she was six, Rita started singing in a choir and because she had such a strong voice at such a young age, her choir director recommended Rita enroll in London’s top performing arts school, Sylvia Young Theatre School. There she studied singing, songwriting, dance and drama while performing in and out of school. When she was 14, Rita was approached by a producer after singing at an open mic.
Independent Magazine

Vi önskar Rita Ora det bästa !!
( Ni hittar även henne på FB)
( Ni hittar även henne på FB)

Pink B

Dress Designed by: Behare fetahu

Design by (the jacket) :Behare Fetahu

Design by (the jacket) :Behare Fetahu

Design by : Behare Fetahu
How to Spend It!
Alek Wek By Andrew Yee for How To Spend It

Charlotte T by Andrew Yee for How To spend It

Olsen Tvillingarna
Amerikanska Vogue valde tvillingsystrarna Mary-Kate och Ashley Olsen till världens bästa klädda systrar. Det är nog ingen överraskning! Själv personligen tycker jag om deras stil och deras utseende!

Maffiga ( handgjorda smycken)
Jag är förtjust i maffiga halsband,armband och örhängen får aldrig nog utav dem.. Hade lite svårt att hitta så jag började designa mina egna halsband,armband och örhängen. Har även sålt och säljer en hel del :) Här ser ni bara några modeller! Det är jävligt snyggt med många ringar och halsband!!

By: Behare Fetahu 299 kr

By: Behare Fetahu 499 kr

By: Behare Fetahu 499 kr ( 4 meter kedja)

By: Behare Fetahu 499 kr

By: Behare Fetahu 250 kr

By: Behare Fetahu 250 kr
Love // B
Double BB ( My love)
His name is Berat Keqekolla, and he is my First Big Love. We have been together 1 year and 5 months.
Form the fist day that we become together we moved in together the next day.. Yeaah thats crazy but it´s true. We are a crazy coupel and we love it!! I love u vevvvvii kiss
Form the fist day that we become together we moved in together the next day.. Yeaah thats crazy but it´s true. We are a crazy coupel and we love it!! I love u vevvvvii kiss

Our tattoos

Mix it!
Jag älskar att mixa olika färger & matrial när det gäller kläder.Oftast blir det personligt och snyggt!

The Game
The Game kommer till Kosovo den 3 December! Beee There!
Jayceon Terrell Taylor (born November 29, 1979), better known by his stage name Game, formerly The Game, is an American rapper and actor. As a member of G-Unit, he rose to fame in 2005 with the success of his debut album, The Documentary, which earned him two Grammy Award nominations. His debut album was followed by two more successful albums--the second album Doctor's Advocate in 2006, and the third album LAX in 2008. Game also runs his own record label The Black Wall Street Records. Game is considered to be a driving force in reviving and bringing back the West Coast hip hop scene, which had been overshadowed by artists from the East and South

Mini Collection!
Just nu sitter jag i min atelje & syr för fullt and I love it!! Asså det är en sådan underbar känsla! När jag är i min atelje stänger jag ut världen vilket man behöver ibland! Har kommit igång med min mini collection.
Ska vissa några plagg and I hop u will love it ( Plaggen är halvfärdiga)!
“I Don't Design Clothes, I Design Dreams” (Ralph Lauren)Ska vissa några plagg and I hop u will love it ( Plaggen är halvfärdiga)!

Min Atelje!



Kavaj/Jacka (Framsidan)

Kavaj/Jacka (Backsidan)
I don’t mind, I don’t care, I don’t need you round my brain
2 day I am feeling like doing something crazy, but have no Idea!!
Until then I wish you love!
Until then I wish you love!

Barbecue at Blerina
En hel vanlig dag i Prishtina !!

Jag & Bello


Blerina min kusin & Bello

Berat & Bekim